
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture (TCM)
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture is the more than 3,000 year-old practice of placing fine needles in the body along meridians, (channels or pathways) of energy. Acupuncture is the main modality used in our practice to benefit health. Before the first needle is placed, an extensive evaluation of the patient is conducted through asking questions, looking at the tongue, feeling the pulse on both wrists, and gaining information from lab results and prior diagnoses.
Acupuncture is particularly effective at influencing hormones, making it a very powerful tool for balancing female and male hormones and regulating stress and anxiety. How acupuncture impacts hormones and increases blood circulation to the reproductive organs is at the center of the research on the success of acupuncture in fertility, IVF and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) protocols.
The length of time or number of acupuncture treatments needed varies from person to person, and can depend on factors such as age, lab results (such as elevated FSH), if the condition is new or old etc. General recommendation for fertility acupuncture is 3 to 6 months prior to conception. If however you suddenly decide to add acupuncture just on the day of you embryo transfer, this is also quite helpful as clinical data reveals that having acupuncture just prior to and just after your IVF transfer may increase live birth rates by up to 15%.
Acupuncture may occasionally cause a tiny bruise. If this happens let us know right away so that we can address it.
Chinese Herbal Therapy
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs reinforce each other to create an effective and efficient treatment plan. There are times when herbs are essential to a treatment. One such case is in the treatment of age-related fertility or poor egg or sperm quality. The dense, nutritive nature of herbs goes a lot farther than acupuncture alone in supporting healthy DNA and long-term cellular energy production.
Chinese herbs are prescribed in combinations or formulas, and occasionally individually. Formulas are often blended to support an individualized treatment plan. If you have not taken herbs before remember to start out slowly and please let us know right away if you have any reaction such as headache or stomach upset.

15 Minute Complimentary Consultation
Gina offers a complimentary consultation to
discuss your issue and provide honest advice about treatment options.
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Cupping is a modality within Chinese medicine that involves the strong suction of special cups on the body. It feels somewhat like a massage and many patients request it for its muscle relaxing benefits. The most common place for cupping is along the back and upper shoulders. It is used for both male and female infertility, stress-relief treatments, pain conditions and Bronchial conditions such as asthma, symptoms of vog (volcanic fog) common colds, coughs COPD and is especially well liked by children when they are suffering from a cold or flu. Cupping may cause a temporary dis-coloring of the skin where the cups were placed which can last for up to a week. If you have a special event to go to where your back may be showing and you do not want cupping on a particular day please let us know.
Moxibustion is a Chinese Medicine modality. Commonly known as “moxa”, which involves burning the compressed herb mugwort and directing the heat over certain acupuncture points or placed on the end of the acupuncture needle. It is not painful. In fact, the warmth and fragrance from moxa can be very soothing. During the course of your acupuncture fertility or pain relief program your need of moxibustion is determined through a TCM diagnosis. Here at Life Centered Acupuncture Care we use two forms of moxibustion. One type is done with the acupuncture here in the clinic and the other type is a take home moxa which we will demonstrate for you how to use at home on a daily basis according to your condition. Moxa is also a powerful adjunct in the treatment of breech babies and in stopping excessive uterine bleeding. Since moxabustion is the burning of an herb next to the skin please proceed carefully when at home and follow our instructions carefully.
NADA Protocol
NADA involves the gentle placement of up to five small, sterilized disposable needles into specific sites on each ear. . NADA protocol is the primary treatment used for detox after a failed IVF or a medication assisted IUI. The side effects of fertility drugs long term have not been studied. We encourage all women who have ever taken fertility drugs or any type of long term medication to include a variety of detox methods to regain a healthy equilibrium.
Acupressure is based on the concept of life energy which flows through meridians in the body. In treatment, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians. Pressure may be applied by hand, by elbow, or with various devices. Acupressure is an indispensable tool in your fertility tool box. We will work together to create a personalized self-acupressure routine for your fertility journey.
15 Minute Complimentary Consultation
Gina offers a complimentary consultation to
discuss your issue and provide honest advice about treatment options.
Tui Na
Tui Na is a wide range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapeutic massage and body work using a push and pull method. Tui Na is not generally used for pleasure and relaxation, but rather as a treatment to address specific patterns of disharmony. Tui Na is used to harmonize yin and yang in the body by guiding the Qi in the acupuncture meridians . Tui Na is useful not only in fertility treatments themselves, but can also help to address internal organ issues which may be linked to either fertility and/or pain, such as high blood pressure, thyroid imbalances, blood sugar dysregulation and more.
Chi Nei Tsang
Chi Nei Tsang Massage is 'working the energy of the internal organs'. It's a specialized massage therapy of the navel and abdominal area, where - according to ancient principles of kung fu and tai chi - stress, tension and negative emotions accumulate. Chi Nei Tsang helps to reconnect with parts of ourselves that we have cut off from awareness and heal trauma that may be preventing pain relief or fertility. Chi Nei Tsang is incredibly helpful in improving the blood flow to the reproductive organs and regulating the flow of hormones between the reproductive system and the brain. Chi Nei Tsang is also a useful tool for self-healing during your fertility journey and is also a helpful technique for helping kids with things from anxiety to tummy aches. As with any abdominal work, please let us know ahead of time if you have had an abdominal hernia, an issue with your abdominal aorta or any serious abdominal issues.
Far Infrared Therapy (FIR):
Far Infrared Therapy is a type of low energy therapy that takes advantage of the heat generated by waves of energy from the far end of the infrared spectrum. Far infrared light is the frequency of invisible light that is generated naturally by the sun and the human body.
Auricular Therapy
Auricular therapy, (ear acupuncture, and auriculoacupuncture) is a form of alternative medicine based on the idea that the ear is a micro system, which reflects the entire body, represented on the auricle, the outer portion of the ear.
Ba Zi
Ba Zi is a chart made up of eight (ba) characters (zi) based on one’s birth year, month, date and time. An individual’s balance of yin and yang and the five elements can be seen in one’s Ba Zi. This can be especially helpful in fertility as it can help to point in a certain direction for example one may need to strengthen the liver or spleen, to be more balanced. This information can sometimes provide us with a solid foundation for treatment protocol.

15 Minute Complimentary Consultation
Gina offers a complimentary consultation to
discuss your issue and provide honest advice about treatment options.
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Phone : + 1 (808) 349-0806
Email : ginamusetti@gmail.com
MON-FRI 09:00 – 19:00
SAT-SUN 10:00 – 14:00