Increase Your Chances of Pregnancy.
Improve Your Egg Quality.
Have A Healthy Baby.
We help couples improve their fertility, optimize hormonal balance, regulate blood sugar levels, and calm the stress response to enhance their overall wellbeing for a comfortable and confident pregnancy.
Acupunture Increases your chances of natural conception
Gina and her experienced team know how to use this ancient therapy to the very best effect, often in combination with nutrition and lifestyle recommendations alongside conventional medical treatment.
A growing body of scientific research now supports the efficacy of acupuncture, in particular as a complementary therapy for those going through IVF or other assisted fertility treatments.
Acupuncture releases endorphins which are nature’s pain relieving messengers. It may also help reduce the discomfort many women experience during fertility treatment. An added benefit is that many patients report feeling calmer, which can only be a positive during what can be a very stressful time.
Men can also benefit from acupuncture prior to and during IVF, particularly if there is male factor infertility or a high stress level. Many men enjoy being involved in the process and find acupuncture helps them relax.
Gina aims to create balance and harmony in the body in order to optimize health and wellbeing. Her treatment plans include a calibrated blend of therapies like acupuncture, herbal therapy and lifestyle recommendations.
To read the personal stories of just a few of Gina’s patients, see our fertility stories below.
Customers reviews
Success Stories
Recommended By Doctors & Experts

I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Gina for the past several years. She is highly knowledgeable, professional, and reliable. She has a true calming personality and has an innate ability to put patient’s worries at ease. When our fertility patients ask for a recommendation for acupuncture services, the first person that we always think of and suggest is Gina. She has provided acupuncture treatments to many of our patients prior to and during their fertility treatments and both pre-and post embryo transfer in our office. We always enjoy seeing Gina’s smiling face in our waiting room, and we look forward to a continued relationship in the future. Her experience with acupuncture, infertility and the overall human body is hard to match in Honolulu. Thank you Gina for all you do!
John L. Frattarelli, M.D., HCLD
Director -Laboratory, Medical, Practice Fertility Institute of Hawaii
The impact of three months
Chinese medicine has long considered three months to be the minimum amount of time needed to regulate the menstrual cycle. It takes about 100 days for an egg to develop in the ovaries. And about 70-90 days for sperm to develop in the testicles. Chinese Medicine can improve sperm and egg quality. The ideal treatment plan begins with a three-month period of time in which Gina and her team can track many changes in the menstrual cycle from pain levels, to the length of the cycle, to spotting and blood flow.
Women and couples seeking fertility support come Life Centered Acupuncture Care at different points during their journey. Some come before consulting a gynecologist. Others come after consulting a gynecologist, but before visiting a specialist such as a reproductive endocrinologist at an IVF clinic. With over 20 years of experience in reproductive health and collaborating with western medical specialists Gina is best qualified to help you build a treatment plan no matter where you are on your journey.

Start your In Vitro Fertility journey today!

Book a complimentary 15 minute consultation with Gina and receive advice on treatment options available to you

Make an appointment to see Gina and receive a personalized treatment plan

Experience a deeply compassionate and refreshing treatments. Follow the self-care protocol and collaborate with Gina to create effective and lasting results
The Benefits of Acupuncture
for IVF Patients Include:

Relaxing the patient, decreasing stress, and taking individual time with patients

Regulating hormonal imbalances resulting in a larger number of follicles

Strengthening the immune system

Preventing the uterus from contracting

Improving semen and sperm to create a better quality and quantity of embryos

Lessening the side effects of drugs used in IVF or other western reproductive procedures and techniques

Improving the function of the ovaries to help produce better quality eggs

Increasing blood flow to the uterus and increasing the thickness of the uterine lining

Generally helping to minimize the side-effects associated with ART
Customers reviews
What people say?

Gina’s Message:
You may be thinking about having a baby or you have been trying for a while, whatever stage you are at I’m here to support you either in person, via Skype or through my online programs.
I have over 20 years of experience in supporting individuals and couples on the same journey on which you are embarking.- the incredible journey toward becoming a parent.
In my opinion being able to give birth is an honour and privilege and there is nothing more important than creating the right environment for your unborn child.
Different people need different treatments. This is my approach to your health and fertility. The treatment plan we decide upon together will reflect your individual needs and your unique set of circumstances. It will be completely personalized and created exclusively for you.
My aim is always to cultivate health and create a fertile environment, for a baby to be conceived but also for you to thrive physically and emotionally.
15 Minute Complimentary Consultation
Gina offers a complimentary consultation to
discuss your issue and provide honest advice about treatment options.
For women, acupuncture has been shown in research to improve blood flow to the ovaries and uterus, which can lead to improved egg quality as well as a uterine lining that is more receptive to implantation. In addition, acupuncture also helps to optimize hormonal balance, regulate blood sugar levels and calm the stress response, all factors which also contribute to egg quality and a woman’s sense of well being. Many patients experience fewer side effects on fertility medications when they are also receiving acupuncture.
For men, acupuncture can have many similar effects, including improved blood flow to the testes where sperm are produced, better hormonal balance and blood sugar regulation and a more relaxed nervous system. This often translates to improved semen analyses for men with low sperm count, poor sperm motility or poor sperm morphology. Even for men with “normal” sperm analyses, I have worked with many couples where conception didn’t happen until the male partner received treatment as well.
Pain tolerance is subjective.Most people who shudder at the thought of needles are pleasantly surprised that acupuncture needles rarely cause pain. That said, at some sensitive or trigger points there can be a slight initial discomfort that quickly subsides. Then relaxation quickly takes over.
Acupuncture is absolutely safe when performed by trained, skilled practitioners.
Gina is able to offer patients specifics based on their individual history.. In general, Gina works with people for a minimum of 3-6 months. (It takes 3 months to develop new eggs).
Ideally, weekly treatments for women begin at least 3 months before an IVF cycle is anticipated to start. This is because the egg that a woman releases at ovulation (or the eggs she produces for IVF retrieval) starts developing many months prior to ovulation. And the most influential period of egg development is in the 3 months before an egg is released. For optimal effect on egg quality, it is important that acupuncture treatment begins before this approximately 3 month recruitment period.
In this 3 month period, acupuncture can effect much more than embryo quality. It can also beneficially affect overall hormone balance, uterine lining quality, the ability of the digestive system to absorb nutrients from the food a woman is eating, her sleep quality, and many more variables that can directly or indirectly affect her body’s ability to conceive and maintain a pregnancy.
For men, weekly treatments should start at least two months before IVF as well, since the process of sperm development (spermatogenesis) takes just over two months from start to finish. So for optimal effects on sperm quality, acupuncture treatment needs to be maintained throughout this two month period of sperm development so that the benefits of acupuncture span the entire development phase.
Acupuncture can help at any stage of the process. Effect on egg quality is more pronounced the sooner treatment is started, but women can still benefit when treatment is started later. For example, in research, even women who received acupuncture only immediately before and after embryo transfer had better outcomes than women who didn’t receive acupuncture at this time¹. That said, the sooner treatment is started, generally the greater the effects of treatment.
Yes, acupuncture can help even when the eggs have already been retrieved and the embryos already fertilized because it has beneficial effects on uterine lining quality and overall health. In general, women should start acupuncture treatment at least one month before a frozen embryo transfer cycle. Women suspected of having immune issues, or women with painful and/or clotty periods or significant PMS should ideally start acupuncture treatment two or more cycles before the frozen embryo transfer. That said, women can benefit at any stage of the process. As mentioned above, even women who received acupuncture only immediately before and after embryo transfer had better pregnancy outcomes than women who didn’t receive acupuncture at this time¹.
Yes it is beneficial for women doing donor cycles (receiving embryos that are not their own) to receive acupuncture as it positively impacts a woman’s and future baby’s overall health.
Treatment plans are as varied as patients. Part of the initial consultation will be to create a treatment plan that is specific to each patient’s needs. In general, Gina guide’s patients to come in one to two times a week so she can closely monitor their cycle and progress. And as acupuncture works cumulatively, Gina believes in building a strong foundation, then moderating as needed from there.
Patients can continue to get acupuncture throughout their entire pregnancy if they wish. Gina usually recommends that once patients are pregnant, they continue to come once a week through their first trimester to support the pregnancy and help with any of the common symptoms associated with early pregnancy. Patients have found great success using acupuncture for treating the insomnia and nausea that often comes in the first trimester. Many patients also use acupuncture as a baby-safe way to treat any non-pregnancy related health concerns.
Be sure to eat before coming in. Other than that, dress comfortably and plan to try to take it easy after a treatment. One of the great side-benefits of acupuncture is relaxation – we believe in making that last as long as possible.
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MON-FRI 09:00 – 19:00
SAT-SUN 10:00 – 14:00